9:00am & 11:00am
Formation (Sunday Sch.)
Wednesday Community Night
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Spark! - Sundays at 10:10am
(Per Formation Calendar)
On Sunday mornings during the school year, children preschool through 5th grade gather for Spark!, a time of bible lessons that helps children grow in faith through fun games and activities.
Children are grouped according to ages:
Children's Sermon
Children of all ages are encouraged to come to worship and all are welcome at God's table of grace. (Epiphany's open communion, the practice of communing ALL people, including all ages.)
Prior to the sermon, children are invited to come forward for a message that's just for them about the day's lesson. (Actually, adults listen closely too!)
For children up to age 5, we have a nursery available during worship services.
Epiphany's Nursery
We have an infant and a toddler nursery, and children up to age 5 are welcome in the nursery. The nurseries are located just outside the worship center, on either side of the doors.
At present, we do not have our nursery staffed by volunteers or paid resources, so one parent is expected to remain with the child in the nursery.
Southeastern Synod
Reconciling in Christ