9:00am & 11:00am
Formation (Sunday Sch.)
Wednesday Community Night
6:00pm - 8:00pm
We are passionate about being authentic and focused on the mission to which God has called us – to reach out, raise up, and change the world through the light of the living Christ. We believe that our primary calling as a congregation is to worship God in ways that are hopeful, joyful, thankful, and relevant to the world and our lives. We recognize our own shortcomings but believe that God’s love conquers all. No matter what the world throws at us, we point to the empty tomb that once held our Lord as God’s defining statement to the world and us. God always holds the last word and will one day heal our entire world and bring life and dignity to all.
“Epiphany” literally means the “manifestation of God.” As people who are called to bear the light of Christ, we intentionally invest in the wellness of each other, this community, our children and the world beyond us. We are committed to engage with those outside our doors and around the world as we work with our First Fruits partners to support the lives of others.
Should you decide to visit us, we trust that you will experience and taste the extravagant goodness of God. Epiphany practices open communion with a passionate belief that the gifts of God are free!
Southeastern Synod
Reconciling in Christ