Worship Assistant Roles & Descriptions
It takes a lot of people to plan, prepare and put on Sunday worship services. We need Epiphany members to serve on Sundays across many different roles in our worship services. Kids are welcome to serve in worship as Acolytes, Readers, Communion Assistants and more. If you're interested in serving or have questions about any of these roles, please email
- Acolyte - Light and extinguish altar candles at the beginning and end of worship services
- Altar Team - Set up the altar for communion before the service and clean supplies after service
- Assisting Minister - Lead the worship service alongside the pastor and write the prayers to share with the congregation
- Communion Assistant - During Communion, you will assist in serving the bread, the wine and juice, or collect empty Communion cups
- Greeter - Welcome both members and visitors at our front doors when they first arrive to church on Sunday mornings
- Online Host - Facilitate discussion and connection in the online chat room during our streamed services
- Reader - Read the weekly Bible passages during worship
- Soundboard - Help the service sound it's best by sitting at the soundboard to ensure that every speaker can be clearly heard and every song is powerfully projected through the sanctuary
- Video Tech - Share our services with the community by manning the cameras as we stream worship online
- Usher - Pass out bulletins, welcome people into the sanctuary, collect offerings, and direct people to the altar during communion.