9:00am & 11:00am
Formation (Sunday Sch.)
Wednesday Community Night
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Middle School Outcomes
We seek the following outcomes for our Middle School ministry:
Young people and their mentors who will change the world.
We want our confirmands to fall in love with Jesus and the church that is His body. The Westminster Confession has it right: Our chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy God forever.
At the conclusion of confirmation, the newly confirmed will take on significant roles of servant-leadership in the church and for the sake of the world. Yet we do not wait for our young people to be confirmed for them to be full "workers with us in the kingdom of God."
CIA forges deep, lasting relationships between the youth and champion adult "asset-builders" that endure and change over time.
CIA shapes each person's identity to a self-understanding of being a child of God, imagined in grace, and baptized into a life of discipleship in Christ, and that the confirmand joyfully owns that identity. Discipleship is a particular way of life.
One will be able to articulate the radical gospel of grace in a way that is faithful to being Lutheran and in words that are authentic to the confirmand.
Southeastern Synod
Reconciling in Christ